
Showing posts from September, 2017

What is advantage of destop application in php

about DEstop Application There are a number of benefits to desktop development, from technical advantages to fundamental benefits. Here are some reasons why you should be developing desktop applications. There are a number of basic technical advantages to desktop-based applications. They can interact with the local filesystem, allowing settings to be saved on the user’s computer, files to be retrieved and manipulated, databases to be stored and so on. They generally integrate with the GUI toolkit of the operating system, providing a UI style that the user is familiar with – users are still getting used to the web application interfaces of our web 2.0 applications. And finally, they use consistent interfaces, unlike the hope-for-the-best approach to writing HTML, allowing for complex UI elements. fundamental of php destop application PHP has been conventionally used for development of web applications. Though it may sound a bit unthinkable, it is now very much possible to dev...

About desktop application

Definition of: desktop application  (1) An  application  that runs stand-alone in a desktop  or laptop computer. Contrast with "Web-based  application ," which requires the Web browser to run. The term may be used to contrast  desktop applications with mobile  applications  that run in smartphon Web-based es and tablets. APPLICTION IN PHP To create wishlist. php  and test the  application : Inside the "wishlist" project you created, click the right mouse button on the Source files node and from the context menu choose New >  PHP  Web Page. The New  PHP Web Page wizard opens. Type wishlist in the File Name field and press Finish. APPLICATION ON PHP ADVANTAGE   Advantages  of  PHP  Programming.  PHP  (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a server-side web programming language that is widely used for web development. However, here are many languages which are used ...